
Wordscapes Search is a word game that is similar to Scrabble, but the board is an empty one, and the tiles are words instead of letters. The word game consists of single-word tiles that are placed on the board in crossword-puzzle style. The goal of the game is to make as many wor...

Wordscapes Search

  • Ethan Turner

Wordscapes Search is a word game that is similar to Scrabble, but the board is an empty one, and the tiles are words instead of letters. The word game consists of single-word tiles that are placed on the board in crossword-puzzle style. The goal of the game is to make as many words as possible with the tiles. Disadvantages of the game are that the game is too easy, and the hints are poorly written. Wordscapes Search is a word puzzle game that will test your vocabulary. The game is broken up into 12 different word lists, all containing between 10 and 20 words. These word lists are then grouped into four different categories, with one category being released every day.


The gameplay is simple. You are given a word list with 10-20 words. The words are grouped into four different categories, which are released every day. You are given the list of words, and have to find the words on the grid to create a crossword. This game has a lot of features. For example, there are word lists that have a high word count, a word list that has a low word count, a word list that has a high letter count, a word list that has a low letter count, and a word list that has a high point count. There are three different modes of gameplay: casual, timed, and competitive.


The graphics are cartoonish. The game is brightly colored, which is good for the eyes. The colors are not too bright, so it won't hurt your eyes. The graphics are simplistic, but they are colorful. The colors are all really bright, which make the game more aesthetically pleasing. The graphics are simple, yet attractive. There are no fancy animations. The menu is very easy to navigate. The background is animated, but can be turned off in the settings menu.


As this game is a word puzzle game, there will always be new word lists being released. There are many words to choose from, with all the letters being rearranged each time. The only lack is the difficulty of the game. There is no difficulty level, so the words are either too hard or too easy.


Wordscapes Search is a word puzzle game created by PeopleFun Inc. The game has a lot of features, such as a word list that has a high word count, a word list that has a low word count, a word list that has a high letter count, a word list that has a low letter count, and a word list that has a high point count. There are three different modes of gameplay: casual, timed, and competitive. The game also has a leaderboard that tracks your progress, and rewards you with coins that can be used to unlock new word lists.

  • Wordscapes Search is a fun game that tests your vocabulary
  • The game is colorful and easy on the eyes
  • There are many different locations to find the words
  • The words are rearranged every time
  • The difficulty level is adjustable
  • There are no disadvantages to this game