
Ever since the first Pokémon™ games, Pokémon Red and Green, were released in 1996, the franchise has continued to capture the hearts and imagination of millions of fans around the world. With each new generation of games, players are transported to new regions...

Pokémon™ Scarlet

  • Amelia Parker

Ever since the first Pokémon™ games, Pokémon Red and Green, were released in 1996, the franchise has continued to capture the hearts and imagination of millions of fans around the world. With each new generation of games, players are transported to new regions, introduced to new Pokémon, and given the chance to embark on a new adventure. Pokémon™ Scarlet is no exception, as it ushers in the latest chapter in the beloved franchise. 

Pokémon™ Scarlet takes players to the vibrant and diverse region of Eloria, where they will explore a variety of new locations, from bustling cities to tranquil forests and vast deserts. As aspiring Pokémon trainers, players will encounter over 100 never-before-seen Pokémon, in addition to familiar favorites from previous generations. With new Pokémon to catch, train, and battle, Pokémon™ Scarlet offers a fresh and exciting experience that is sure to please both longtime fans and newcomers alike.

An Engaging Adventure with Some Room for Improvement

Pokémon™ Scarlet boasts a rich and immersive storyline, with players tasked with not only conquering the Eloria Pokémon League but also unraveling the mysteries surrounding the legendary Pokémon of the region. Along the way, trainers will face off against powerful Gym Leaders, formidable rivals, and the nefarious Team Shadow, a new criminal organization with sinister motives.

However, despite its captivating narrative and engaging gameplay, Pokémon™ Scarlet is not without its flaws. Some players have reported experiencing occasional slowdowns and frame rate issues, particularly in more densely populated areas. Additionally, while the inclusion of over 100 new Pokémon is undoubtedly a major draw for fans, some have expressed disappointment with the designs of certain creatures, feeling that they lack the charm and creativity of previous generations.

That being said, Pokémon™ Scarlet still has plenty to offer, and the pros far outweigh the cons. Here are some of the highlights and drawbacks of the game:


  • A vast and diverse new region to explore;
  • Over 100 new Pokémon to discover, catch, and train;
  • An engaging and immersive storyline;
  • New gameplay mechanics, such as the introduction of "Scarlet Battles," add an extra layer of strategy to battles


  • Occasional slowdowns and frame rate issues
  • Some Pokémon designs may not appeal to all players

A Thrilling New Chapter for Pokémon Fans

Overall, Pokémon™ Scarlet is a welcome addition to the Pokémon franchise and has received generally positive reviews from players. Fans have praised the game's expansive new region, captivating storyline, and the introduction of over 100 new Pokémon to catch and train. While there have been some minor issues reported with the game's performance and a few divisive Pokémon designs, these drawbacks do not detract from the overall enjoyment of the experience.

Pokémon™ Scarlet is a must-play for any Pokémon fan, offering a fresh and exciting adventure that is sure to keep players engaged for hours on end. As trainers explore the beautiful and diverse region of Eloria, face off against challenging opponents, and unravel the mysteries of the legendary Pokémon, they will undoubtedly find themselves immersed in yet another thrilling chapter of the Pokémon saga.
