
Ultimate Guide: Enhancing Healthcare in Cities: Skylines 2

  • Amelia Parker
  • Nov 11, 2023
  • 238
Ultimate Guide: Enhancing Healthcare in Cities: Skylines 2

As a player, building a healthy city in Cities: Skylines 2 is a thrilling task but also a challenging one. You might sometimes feel lost, especially when citizens perpetually grumble about healthcare facilities on Chirper despite having good access to clinics. Have no fear, though; this comprehensive guide will help you unlock the secrets to boosting your city's average health!

Step 1: Understanding Clinics and Hospitals

Understanding Clinics and Hospitals

The first step is to get a grip on the two main healthcare options- clinics and hospitals. In the game, the hospital is essentially an expanded version of the clinic, capable of serving a larger population and adept at managing the needs of high-density zones. But, despite their greater cost, investing in hospitals can have a dramatic impact on health levels. One glance at the road colors changing from pale to bright green when the hospital is on will testify to this.!

Step 2: Maintain a Balance

While hospitals have a commendable reach, it's wise not to abandon clinics altogether. Ensuring a mix of both will help you reduce response times, avoid traffic issues, and allow ambulances to commence their trips from closer locations. Ultimately, striking a balance between clinics and hospitals can have a positive effect on your city's overall health standing.

Step 3: Tackling the "Average Health" Factor

Something new to watch out for in Cities: Skylines 2 is "Average Health." Now, if you're consistently building only clinics, your Average Health stat will likely plateau at around 60%. To significantly up this number, start investing in hospitals. A well-placed hospital can potentially elevate your Average Health to approximately 68%.

Step 4: Investing in Additional Health Boosters

Investing in Additional Health Boosters

Healthcare, being one of the most expensive aspects of the game, requires some strategic planning. While the hospital and the crematorium are comparatively cheaper, other buildings, such as the Disease Control Center and the Health Research Institute, can be costly, leading to a demand for eight development points! As a player in the early game, it's advisable to make do with a hospital until the later stages.

Step 5: Exploring the 'Educational' Route to Health

Round off your healthcare-boosting strategies by unlocking the Medical University under the Education and Research development tree. Despite its higher maintenance cost, lower student capacity, and upfront expenditure, the Medical University contributes a valuable city-wide boost to the Average Health factor. Especially when it is equipped with the Practice Clinic upgrade, an additional regional health boost can be secured!

Conclusion: The Path to a Healthier City

The path to a healthier city in Cities: Skylines 2 involves strategic planning, tactical investments, and a clear understanding of the city's healthcare needs. The more you invest in advanced healthcare facilities, the better your city’s average health will be. It might result in a tight budget and some tricky decisions along the way, but the result is an incredibly healthy city and happy citizens!

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